Saturday, November 17, 2007

November 17th, still riding

At this time last year we had ice and snow and the Road King was in the garage. Today it was up to 55 degrees and a group of us went over to donate $500 to the local food bank from our HOG Group. Only a few of us rode but it was good weather. Plan on riding again tomorrow and some of us are planning Thanksgiving Day ride. Short, probably only about 50-60 miles round trip but the weather is supposed to be good. Of course it's chilly. When I leave for work in the morning it is sometimes in the low twenties and has been below that a couple of mornings. I dress warmly and only have about three mile to go to get to work. By the time I get off it's usually in the upper forties, sometimes low fifties. A couple of weeks ago we were still in the sixties. No snow-packed or icy roads? Then its still riding season baby.

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